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World Englishes and Culture

The manifestation of English as a global and international language in the last decades has resulted in the emergence of numerous indigenous or local varieties of English. The speakers of these varieties have not only increased in number and influence over the years, but also brought to the table in the process, along with their linguistic differences in the way they use English, their unique backgrounds, cultural identities, attitudes and lifestyles.World Englishes and Culture in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education is an attempt to offer a comprehensive review and discussion of the conceptual, practical, pedagogical and ideological issues related to English as it is used by millions around the world in different forms, variations and varieties.While the primary audience for this book is undergraduate students enrolled in English Language Teaching (ELT) programs in Turkey, graduate students in ELT, in-service EFL teachers, teacher trainers and other language teaching professionals are expected to benefit from the book as a comprehensive reference work.
Devamını Oku
Trendkitap Fiyatı :
220,00 TL
169,40 TL
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