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İngilizce Kolaydan Dikkat Geliştirme ve Algılama Kitabı

Our From Easy to Difficult Activity Books are designed to help generation Z children develop their motor skills in pre-school education. In order to improve the cognitive, visual and verbal abilities of children, methods of matching objects, distinguishing differences, relating to parts and wholes were used.In this way, it will be useful in strengthening visual perception, hand and eye coordination, interpretation and mathematical ability. Our books have been approved by child development specialist Melek KOCAADAM.Skills that our series of Easy to Difficult Activity Books bring to children: Matching Ability Ability to Find Differences Visual Perception Ability Part-Whole Relationship Ability AGE 5+
Devamını Oku
Trendkitap Fiyatı :
89,00 TL
58,74 TL
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