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Humanitarian Diplomacy a Comparative Analysis of Turkey's Approach with the USA and Germany Through AFAD Case

1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE CONCEPT OF POWER IN THE STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 2.1. Foreign Policy 2.2. Concept and Types of Power 2.3. Soft Power Phenomenon in Foreign Policy 2.4. Soft Power Approaches of Countries 2.5. Soft Power Approach of Turkey 3. SOFT POWER TODAY: PUBLIC DIPLOMACY 3.1. Soft Power, Diplomacy and Public Diplomacy 3.2. The Role of Public Diplomacy in International Relations 3.3. Turkey‘s Approach to Public Diplomacy 4. HUMANITARIAN DIPLOMACY 4.1. History of Humanitarian Diplomacy 4.2. Actors, Practices and Arguments of Humanitarian Diplomacy 4.3. The Connection of Humanitarian Diplomacy with Public Diplomacy 4.4. Turkey‘s Approach to Humanitarian Diplomacy 5. AFAD CASE 5.1. AFAD, Since Its Foundation 5.2. Humanitarian Diplomacy Approach of AFAD 5.3. Examination of AFAD Works 6. CONCLUSIONS 6.1. Conclusion and a Comparative Analysis
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